A good start to settling in

Insurance information


Insurance information

There are many different insurance companies in Denmark.  They offer various types of insurance, such as home contents, fire, 3rd party, car, medical & dental, travel and even pet insurance. Please contact the insurance company directly to receive a quotation for the services you are looking for. It is advisable to get more than one quotation to ensure you are getting the best price and services. In addition, most banks also offer insurance, so you may want to discuss this service with your bank representative.

In Denmark there are many type of insurances such as:

  • Personal liability insurance (Ansvarsforsikring)

  • Household insurance (Indbogorsikring)

  • Accident insurance (Ulykesforsikring)

  • Unemployement insurance (Arbejdsloshedsforsikring)

  • Life insurance (Livforsikring)

  • Legal protection insurance (Retshjaelpsforsikring)

  • Car insurance (Bilforsikring)- if you have a car

  • Dog insurance (Hundeforsikring)- if you have a dog

    Call us if you need further information!


Homestead – a good start to settling in